Wilary Winn Celebrates 20 Years!

Home News & Insights Wilary Winn Celebrates 20 Years!

Wilary Winn celebrated our 20th year in business in July 2023 with an anniversary party held at North Oaks Golf Club. Staff and their guests enjoyed a fun-filled evening of delicious food & drinks, friendly bean bag & trivia competitions, and engaging conversation.

According to Principal and Co-founder Frank Wilary, only about 20% of businesses make it 20 years, a testament to the effective collaboration of our talented, passionate team at Wilary Winn. “I didn’t want to have the biggest company, but I did want to have the best company. I think we’ve more than accomplished that goal,” said Frank.

President and Co-founder Doug Winn thanked everyone who has contributed to the company’s success, including the auditors who trusted us enough to refer their clients, the clients who have engaged us (especially in our early years), and, most of all, our great team of hard-working employees who make it all possible.

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