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Read this article: Wilary Winn Fall 2024 Events

Wilary Winn attended several key industry events throughout the fall season.

Read this article: Wilary Winn Celebrates 20 Years!

Wilary Winn celebrated our 20th year in business in July 2023 with an anniversary party held at North Oaks Golf Club. Staff and their guests enjoyed a fun-filled evening of…

Read this article: Wilary Winn in the Wall Street Journal

Frank Wilary, Principal at Wilary Winn, recently spoke to the Wall Street Journal for their July 6, 2023, article discussing the impacts of rising interest rates on U.S. banks. Download…

Read this article: M&A Accounting Implications Presentation (CUNA Finance Council 2023) Now Available

This CUNA Finance Council Conference presentation from May 22, 2023, focuses on the key accounting implications that a merger can have on credit union financial statements on day one and thereafter.

Read this article: Wilary Winn to Speak, Moderate at 2023 CUNA Conference

Wilary Winn will speak and moderate at the 2023 CUNA Finance Council Conference.

Read this article: Recent Developments Related to the Accounting for Acquired Assets

FASB continues to work on refining the interaction between CECL and purchase accounting.

Read this article: Mortgage Lending Presentations Now Available

Slide decks and recordings are now available for our 2022 mortgage lending webinar series, hosted by FHLB Des Moines.

Read this article: Wilary Winn Mortgage Lending Webinar Series

Join Wilary Winn and FHLB Des Moines for a three-part webinar series designed to review key decision points within the mortgage lending cycle and identify opportunities and challenges.

Read this article: States Push Back on Credit Unions Acquiring Banks

A growing number of states are blocking the ability of credit unions to buy banks amidst competitive concerns.

Read this article: TDR Accounting Not Required for CECL

In March 2022, FASB eliminated TDR accounting for financial institutions that have adopted CECL.