Wilary Winn Events for May and June 2019

Home News & Insights Wilary Winn Events for May and June 2019

MGIC and Wilary Winn on Webinar on CECL.

Matt Erickson and Douglas Winn did a presentation on CECL and Capital at Risk on May 8, 2019 via a webinar hosted by MGIC.  For a copy of the presentation follow this link CECL and Capital at Risk.

Wilary Winn to Attend 25th Annual CUNA CFO Council Conference.

Wilary Winn is a sponsor for the upcoming 25th Annual CUNA CFO Council Conference to be held in New York City on May 19 through May 22.  Frank Wilary, Matt Erickson, and Michael Tessier will be attending.  Stop by and see them at our booth.  For more information on the Conference, please visit the CUNA Councils website: https://www.cunacouncils.org/events-calendar/14144/conference-details/.

Wilary Winn to attend BKD CECL Workshop.

Matt Erickson and Douglas Winn will be attending BKD’s CECL Workshop on June 6th in Minneapolis.  For more information on the event follow this link https://www.eventbrite.com/e/minneapolis-bkd-cecl-workshop-discussion-data-modeling-minneapolis-mn-tickets-54166079201?mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiWTJJNU5ESTJZMkV5WXpZeiIsInQiOiJHM1I0MkNKSTQrK25mT2tvUnVzVGwxQVwvUm81aHFyOUozYTZLcE5hXC9nYkxNaVdkN2lIaE5aY1ZaQ1hWMndkRUlwb0RIeHVkWHBLYlNPRVJ6YU55dWxDcW5ZZm5HR2o0Y0JybWlnbmFVWDI5U2FkbG54SFNvRFwvVUJOTWxGQWhaSyJ9.

Wilary Winn to Present at MGIC’s Midwest Executive Roundtable.

Matt Erickson and Douglas Winn will be doing a presentation on CECL and Capital at Risk at the MGIC Midwest Executive Roundtable on June 12th in Milwaukee.  For more information on the event please follow this link https://www.mgic.com/executive-roundtable.


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