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Home Resources Category: Mergers & Acquisitions

Read this article: Accounting for Goodwill Impairment for Credit Unions [White Paper]

This 2017 paper describes how goodwill can arise through a merger transaction, how to amortize or test the goodwill for impairment, FASB’s simplification of the goodwill impairment assessment model, and how goodwill will be treated for risk-based capital purposes beginning in 2019. Please note that FASB continues to review the accounting for goodwill. Please see our blog post from February 2022.

Read this article: Credit Union Merger FAQs [White Paper]

Key Takeaway Wilary Winn offers a complete set of merger-related valuation and accounting services, including determinations of fair value, true-ups of accretion, goodwill impairment testing, and accounting for loans with…

Read this article: CECL and ASC 310-30 [White Paper]

Key Takeaway Wilary Winn provides turnkey ASC 310-30 accounting. We also offer comprehensive CECL calculations as well as capital stress testing, concentration risk analyses, and estimates of real return. How…

Read this article: Credit Union Purchase Accounting [White Paper]

This December 2016 white paper is designed to share what we have learned since the new FAS ASC 805 purchase accounting rules took effect on January 1, 2009, and to address the most common questions we encounter.

Read this article: Fair Value: Where Finance Meets Accounting [AICPA PowerPoint]

Summary In 2013, Douglas Winn spoke at the AICPA National Conference on Credit Unions on Fair Value: Where Finance Meets Accounting. In this presentation, gain an overview of: How Can We…

Read this article: FAS ASC 310-30 Accounting for Purchased Loans with Deteriorated Credit Quality [White Paper]

This May 2013 paper addresses the concepts behind FAS ASC 310-30, when and how it should be applied, and provides best practices on implementation. Loan and pool-level examples, including journal entries, are included to demonstrate the effects of the accounting quarter over quarter.